Posts by info

summus laser for injured meniscus

Each knee has two menisci, one on the inner portion of the knee and one on the outside of the knee. Menisci serve as shock absorbers and space fillers in…

summus laser for it band friction

Iliotibial band friction syndrome or ITBS, is a common overuse injury of the iliotibial band. This long tendon attaches from the hip area and stretches all the way to the…

summus laser for strain/sprain injury

 A muscle strain sprain injury is a common injury that can be caused by overstretching or tearing of a tissue. Strains are defined as injury to a tendon or a…

class iv laser for muscle spasms

A muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction to a muscle or a group of muscles that is often very painful and can hinder your ability to perform daily activities. Causes…

summus laser for shin splints

Shin splints is a painful condition normally affecting persons beginning a new running program or a sudden increase in mileage. Also, running on hard surfaces, uneven surfaces, or running in…

summus laser for cervicogenic headaches

Cervicogenic headaches (CH) are a common type of headache that results from issues in the neck muscles and surrounding tissues. This type of headache causes pain in the neck area…

Class iv summus laser for whiplash

Whiplash is a common condition mostly associated after a rear end car collision.  When rear ended, your head is quickly extended backwards before your head hits the head rest forcing…

class iv laser for spinal degeneration

Degenerative disk disease (DDD) is a common spinal condition that affects many people worldwide. In fact, it is so common that virtually all persons over the age of 40 have…

Class iv laser for spinal stenosis

Spinal Stenosis is the condition in which space in the spinal canal, or the space where the nerves exiting the spinal cord is reduced. This reduction of space adds pressure…

Summus laser for diabetic neUROPATHY

Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur if you have diabetes. High blood sugar (glucose) can injure nerves throughout the body most often affecting the lower…